
Saturday 20 April 2013

Assignments 3 (English for Business 2)

Nama : Wiweko Adityo Pujo P.
NPM : 28210567
Kelas : 3 EB 17

1.  Google maps reinterpreted as Persian rugs are beautifully complex.

2.  Bite is lip beauty that is good enough to eat.
3.  He beautify his painting by using technique.
4.  The fastness of that vehicle reaches 220 miles per second.
5.  Oil is one of factors that can fasten the vehicle's velocity.
6.  She finishes her job well.
7.  Give a goodness benefit will present a goodness live.
8.  He found that the bland crackers helped cut the sharpness of the cheese.
9.  Can you sharpen that image?
10.  He criticized him sharply.
11.  Because of his late of due for meeting he drives his car quickly above average of quickness, when he got in office he quicken his step to the meeting room.

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