
Friday, 31 May 2013

Make 2 paragraph which tells about the change history of catfish statue into the clock which is near from the train station in Bekasi

Nama    : Wiweko Adityo Pujo P.
NPM     : 28210567
Kelas     : 3 EB 17


The Catfish and Lute Pieces Sculpture was built in 1995 by an order from local Regent, Moch. Djamhari. The Sculpture had stood for 7 years and then demolished in 2002. According to Moch. Djamhari that sculpture was claimed as an icon of Bekasi City as a rapid growing commodity of Bekasi City. That statement was evidently disallowed by the local inhabitant for a few years later because they believe that catfish is a voracious fish and also its price is cheap. Likewise lute pieces with a cheap price. Because of that reason The Catfish and Lute Pieces Sculpture was not suitable used as an icon of Bekasi City which doesn’t reflect the Bekasi City inhabitant.
Protests had been catapulted to the Regent till the Mayor of Bekasi at several times. After going through a long bureaucracy on after a huge ceremony on April 24th 2002 at Bekasi Sport Stadium, The Headman of Sri Jaya, The District Head of Tambun, Damin Sada with some people grouped at Putra-putri Patriot Bekasi community came to the location of The Catfish and Lute Pieces Sculpture and fired it down. Nowadays the sculpture is only a memory. So far the search process of Bekasi City icon is still in continues. For a temporarily time the demolished sculpture has been changed to be Jam Gadang building with a relatively large advertise space.

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